Deep Tine
We currently run two Wiedenmann GXi8HD deep tine units. These machines are very productive and one of the best on the market. We deep tine greens with 5/16”, ½” or ¾” solid tines, with tight 2” spacing achieving depths around 8+”. The 5/16” needle tines are good for summer venting and when you want the least amount of surface disruption with a quick recovery. ½” solid tines are the most popular among our customers and will give you the most bang for your buck. ¾” solid tines will provide larger holes making it easier to incorporate sand into your profile.
Coring w/Core Collection
We core aerate greens with our Toro ProCores (4” and under) and our Wiedenmann deeptines (8+”) using ¼” up to 1” coring tines, with tight spacing. We also have two Cushman Core Harvesters that we use to collect cores off of the greens.
Top Dressing
We have a Toro 2500 Top Dresser that we utilize for topdressing purposes. This unit works well on any surface.
Planet Air
Planet Air HD50 provides a unique 2” deep vertical cutting process that can be combined with any other aerification or on its own for. It is also a good tool to use for summer venting and breaking up a crusty layer.
Fairways and Tees
Conventional Aerification
When aerifing fairways and tees we utilize our Toro ProCores (5-880’s and 2-1298’s). For coring we use 5/8”, ¾” and 7/8” hollow tines. We also run ¾” solid tines for when you want to punch a hole without making a mess. On average one machine can punch 1.5 acres per hour.
Core Aerification Clean up
We pulverize aerification cores with the option of verticutting the fairways and tees at the same time with the Wiedenmann Super 500. This unit will redistribute the pulverized material back to the fairway like a top dressing leaving only the tufts and thatch to clean up. We also provide a thatch and tuft sweeping/removal service.
We veritcut fairways and tees with 1.5” spacing with either the 1st Products VC60 or the Super 500. The VC60 is an excellent deep verticut unit. The Super 500 can actually collect the majority of clippings as it is verticutting.
The Woodbay FDS 9200 uses 256 spring loaded tines on four floating heads to stand turf up and pull thatch out of the canopy with very minimal surface disruption. It is a great tool to use prior to seeding and can also be used on rough grass and on native areas.

Deep Tine
Deep tining fairways and tees with ¾” solid tines is becoming more popular among our customers. This is a good supplement to conventional core aerification when you do not want to pull cores and clean them up.
We have two Amazone GNK Seeders that we use on fairways, tee boxes and roughs. It has two rows of spring loaded tines that scratch the surface in opposite directions, opening up a diamond shaped pattern on the ground for the seed to fall into. The seed is then followed by a screen roller that pushes the seed into the ground ensuring seed to soil contact. These units are good for new seeding and overseeding into existing turf.

Athletic Fields
Deep Tine
Deep tining native soil athletic fields will break through compacted layers allowing air, water and nutrients to pass through. These elements and the turf roots will penetrate through the channels created by the aerification. With a deeper root system, irrigation intervals can be lengthened, fertilizer applications last longer and more oxygen is introduced into the soil. This will also improve drainage.
We can verticut your turf to remove thatch and open up the surface for seeding. We can also collect the thatch and remove it from your fields.
Fraize Mow/Scarify with Collection
Fraize mowing removes approximately 90% of organic matter above the surface leaving the root system intact. We offer fraize mowing or scarifing (not as intense) with collection of the organic matter. This is an ideal process to do prior to reseeding your turf. Your turf will come back stronger and thatch free.
We have two Amazone GNK Seeders that we use for new seeding and overseeding into existing turf. It has two rows of spring loaded tines that scratch the surface in opposite directions, opening up a diamond shaped pattern on the ground for the seed to fall into. The seed is then followed by a screen roller that pushes the seed into the ground ensuring seed to soil contact.
The ultimate goal of topdressing with sand is to achieve at least 70% sand by weight in the rootzone. At this point, the sand particles bridge, creating macropores and reducing particle density. Without a doubt, initiating a sand topdressing program significantly improves native soil field quality and longevity.
The Woodbay FDS 9200 uses 256 spring loaded tines on four floating heads to stand turf up, pull thatch out of the canopy and is a great unit to use prior to seeding. The FDS 9200 can also be used on synthetic field turf as decompaction tool. The spring tines loosen the compacted crumb rubber bringing it to the surface lowering the Gmax (compaction) level.